Inner Harmony & Triggers
Feb 07, 2023It's really difficult to look within ourselves, to seek our personal truths, our darkness. But in doing this it can be quite enlightening, and freeing.
Generally, we as humans don't like to do that. We don't like to admit when we're wrong. We don't want to face our emotions and traumas. It's just so much easier to blame someone else, or to take it out on someone else, and go about our merry way. But what if we took the time do some self reflecting? What would be uncover? What would we shift? And how do we start?
Personal development, spending time reflecting doesn't just happen in day, week or month. Taking this time is essential, and it takes time, lots and lots of time. And once you've uncovered one layer, a new one comes to the surface, and the process starts all over again. But the amazing thing is, with the right tools and mindset, it can get easier and quicker.
We have all been witness to the judgements and opinions shared on social media. One thing that has really amazed me is how quickly negativity spreads. I feel there is more and more positivity coming around, but we are bombarded with the happenings in this new world. There are challenges, sadness and devastation. How do we overcome that? The best way I believe is to look within.
Not that long ago, I was on a phone call with a mentor discussing my business, and word 'harmony' just fell out of my mouth. I said something along the line of "I want to help people find inner harmony". To me that means when we foster inner harmony, outward harmony ensues. It's harder, its dirtier, it's not as easy to spread as negativity, but spreading harmony has more positive effects - on ourselves, our relationships, and who knows, maybe even the world! Just imagine if each and everyone of us were working on improving ourselves so we can show up to our friends and families a better person, and they were all doing the same - JUST IMAGINE the impact!
Just this morning, I saw a post of a wedding dress for sale on social media. One of the top comments was "lose the tattoos". My question is why? The image was not referring to tattoos, or asking for someone opinion regarding tattoos, the tattoos don't come with the dress...yet this person felt is was necessary to comment her opinion. Why? Then of course, there were a large amount of comments, putting the opinionated commenter down. Why? What are we so quick to judge, and so quick to point fingers?
What if the person who commented, did some reflecting before it was typed? Why do I only see tattoos? What is triggering me? Why don't I like what I'm seeing? If I say something, is it for the greater good? Will it lift me up and make both of us feel good?
And what if those who put this person down asked themselves first...what bothers me about what she said? Why is this triggering me? Where has this happened before? If I say something, is it for the greater good?
Here are some more questions you can try on when you're feeling triggered by something.
- Why do I hold this belief?
- Do I truly believe this or is it based on my upbringing or environment?
- Is there more possibly to explore?
- Is there truth in what they say?
- Can I hold true to my beliefs while still respecting theirs?
Internal action before external reaction. There is actually no right or wrong. We're all right and we're all wrong. We do not all experience life the same way. We are complex creatures who take different nuggets from every situation and interaction.
I'm hopeful for a world that we look deeply within to find our inner harmony, so we can share it and spread it across the world!
🤍 Jen
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