Join our next Circle!

Our mission is to create a welcoming monthly circle focused on holistic wellness in a safe and encouraging space where women can share openly, experience willingly and support compassionately.

Why come to circle?

Women's Circles are popping up everywhere, which we think is amazing! A circle a place to share and connect as women 

For centuries women connected organically over cooking, quilting, etc. Much of this has been lost, and this connection is hard to find. Our vision for this circle is to bring women together each month to learn, share, laugh, cry and try some new things that take us a bit out of our comfort zone and into growth

Agreements at Circle:

  • Confidentiality: everyone must feel comfortable to share knowing it will not leave the circle
  • Non-Judgement: listen quietly and with respect
  • Come as you are: and be open and willing discover, explore and play

What to expect:

  • We will come together for practices, discussions, activities and rituals. Each month we will focus on a different area of wellness 
  • There will be opportunity to reflect, hold space, engage, share and support
  • We will open each circle by introducing ourselves and sharing our intention for the attending
  • We will close each circle by sharing a word or phrase from our experience

Who are we?

Jennifer Gendron: Jen has had a passion for health & wellness since her early 20’s and has worked in the fitness industry since 2005. While Jen’s main focus over the years has been on fitness, teaching group fitness, personal training and owning and operating a gym for several years, in more recent years, her focus has shifted to a broader approach to health & wellness, focusing on holistic health & the connection between mind, body and spirit. Jen is a certified personal trainer & fitness instructor, registered holistic nutritionist and Health & Wellness Coach.

Connect with Jen on Facebook or at [email protected]

Jennifer Merritt - Marshall: Jen is the owner of JEN MERRITT - LIVE LIFE HAPPY. She has worked in the wellness industry for over 20 years. She is a certified Holistic Wellness Coach, Reiki Master Teacher and Fitness Instructor. She started her company in 2020, when she made it her personal mission to choose happiness every day. She has created a full product line of essential oil blends, facilitates healing & coaching sessions, Reiki training, women’s circles, and workshops, as well as teaches a variety of fitness classes. Her mission is to educate, inspire and empower others to explore their own path - finding what lights them up, taking control of their health and healing so that they can step into their full harmonious potential, connected and aligned with the energy and wisdom of the Universe - and living life happily. 

Connect with Jen on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, email: [email protected] and website:


When is our next Circle?

Sunday, June 23rd at 6:30pm

Click here to go to our Facebook event page.

We look forward to meeting and connecting with you! 🤍

🤍Reviews from Circles🤍


"Thank you Jen & Jen for creating a safe non judgmental space where I felt welcomed and free. Afterwards, I felt peace within myself. I had no idea what the event would bring to me body, mind & spirit. Well done to you both." - Glenda Thorne (Earth Day/Elemental Wisdom)


"I arrived with an empty vessel and left with my heart full." Janet Flewelling  (Earth Day/Elemental Wisdom)